BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > About > Governance and Policy


We are incorporated as a registered charity and so have a duty to report to the Charitiy Commission of England and Wales. We are also a company limited by Guarantee and so report to Companies House. Our constitution is our Memorandum and Articles of Association [PDF]. Trustees can be referred to as Trustee Directors due to these links as a registered charity and also as a registered company.

The Board of Trustees is elected from the BABCP membership, by members. There are also various advisors who regularly attend Board meetings including senior staff, some standing committee chairs and advisors representing important stakeholders.

A range of standing committees report to our Board, which also sets up ad-hoc committees and working groups as needed to provide specific focus on particular projects or areas in need of specific development.

Trustees are ultimately responsible for ensuring BABCP has a strategic direction consistent with our organisational aims and objectives, and for safeguarding its assets. However, much of this, including ensuring apt governance arrangements support the organisation and responsibility for organisational performance is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and other senior staff.

0330 320 0851
Registered office
Imperial House, Hornby Street, Bury, Greater Manchester  BL9 5BN
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0330 320 0851
Registered charity No. 1098704   A company limited by guarantee No. 4839948   Registered in England and Wales   VAT reg No. 732 5316 53