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25 October 2023
The BABCP would like to recognise the efforts of all therapists supporting people living with the effects of trauma, many of them working in really difficult circumstances in areas of war, devastation and oppression in countries around the world. We recognise the current situation in Israel and Palestine is personally affecting many of our members and communities. Our thoughts are with them. The world can feel like a divided place when we need to be coming together in order to overcome these difficulties.
Around the time of the invasion of Ukraine, we shared some useful resources around supporting refugees and people affected by the trauma of war. With the ongoing situation in Israel-Palestine members may find it useful to refer to the resources below.
Humanitarian Crisis resources:
European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
Supporting people dealing with the trauma of war:
War Trauma Foundation
World Health Organisation
Beck Institute
Supporting people who have fled their homes and are seeking asylum:
British Medical Association
Also with a disturbing rise in incidents of antisemitism and islamophobia in recent weeks, the following resources about reporting hate crime may also be useful:
Stop Hate UK
Crown Prosecution Service
Tell Mama
True Vision
The BABCP abhors all forms of violence and oppression. Our members work hard to support people equitably, whatever their background or personal history. We know this can have an impact on therapists. Please reach out to us if you would like us to signpost to other sources of support.