BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > About Accreditation FAQs > Can I be accredited if I live or work abroad?

Can I be accredited if I live or work abroad?

Applying for Accreditation 

You must be living in the UK, its territories or Ireland to apply. 

You must be able to show 12 months of suitably supervised CBT practice on your application within the last three years. 

We can’t accept an accreditation application if you are based overseas - even if you are working remotely with clients in this country, its territories or Ireland.   However, if you practice remote therapy with overseas clients whilst living in these areas, it is classed as practising here and can be counted towards accreditation and reaccreditation.

Maintaining your Accreditation overseas

Since autumn 2024 you can now maintain your accreditation indefinitely while living and practising outside the UK, its territories or Ireland.  You must have understood and abide by the local rules for practising as a psychotherapist in your country or residence.  This will apply even if you are working remotely with clients in the UK.

We are working towards updating the Reaccreditation Declaration to allow you to demonstrate this. 

Interim Policy

We are in the process of implementing measures to safely accommodate this change, including changes to the Reaccreditation Declaration. In the meantime, if you are currently on a Leave of Absence (LoA) because you are living abroad, you will be able to extend this beyond the two year maximum. Please contact to do this.

Reinstating your Accreditation from abroad

You may now also reinstate your accreditation if you live abroad. We must have satisfactory evidence that you have previously held accredited status and fully meet our Return to Practice reinstatement requirements. 

Notifying us of a move abroad

Please let us know at of any change in address, email address and phone number. 

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