BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > About Accreditation FAQs > How much does accreditation cost?

How much does accreditation cost?

You can find the current costs of all Accreditations and related processes at Accreditation Fees. Please also scroll down on that page for details of how to pay. 

The fees for Accreditation as a Cogntive Behavioural Psychotherapist are different to those for Evidence Based Parent Trainers, however the process is the same.

Here is a summary of the points at which fees will be due -

  1. You must be a member to apply for Accreditation – please check our Membership page for the correct fee for you. This fee is due annually to maintain your membership. If you don’t maintain your membership, your Accreditation will lapse. 
  2. Once you have submitted an application for Accreditation you will be required to pay the fee. This is higher if you are submitting a KSA with your application. You do not have to pay for assessment of a KSA if your KSA has already been assessed on a BABCP accredited course.
  3. Once you are accredited you will be due to pay an annual Accreditation Maintenance Fee every year to maintain your entry on the CBT Register UK and Ireland. This is due on the same date every year regardless of any extensions or Leaves of Absence. Your accreditation will lapse if you don’t stay up to date with this payment. There is no additional submission fee for your First Accreditation Audit or Reaccreditation Audits, the cost of this is covered within your annual maintenance fee. 
  4. If you fail an Audit, or your accreditation lapses for other reasons, there is a fee to reinstate your accreditation. This is called Return to Practice for members accredited as Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapists. 
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