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This information provides guidance for Accredited therapists, as well as those intending to apply for Reinstatement.
You should be receiving regular CBT supervision appropriate to your case-load and level of expertise. For a full-time clinical practice, this should be a minimum of one-and-a-half hours per month of individual supervision. This can be an average, providing the contact is regular.
It isn't a requirement, but we advise that newly-trained therapists have a higher frequency and duration of supervision than experienced colleagues.
If you work less than half-time clinical work, you can reduce the overall amount of supervision time on a pro-rata basis to a minimum of 45 minutes.
You can count all time spent in group supervision providing the group has no more than six members. Group supervision will be facilitated by one regular supervisor and all group members must present their own material regularly. You must have an opportunity for individual supervision should it be needed, or quickly available alternative supervision, e.g. advice in a crisis situation.
The minimum of one-and-a-half hours of group supervision alone would not be sufficient for a full-time experienced clinician. Eg provision may need to be made for episodes of live supervision or other reasons either within individual or additional group sessions.
Clinical supervision can be individual, peer, or in a CBT supervision group. It can take place in person, using video conferencing, "instant messaging" services or phone. If agreed, ad hoc supervision for specific questions can take place using any of these methods, email or other suitable electronic forms of communication. There should be face-to-face contact at least twice a year, but this includes using video conferencing. You can't count professional consultancy, professional or managerial supervision as clinical supervision even though they might be provided by the same person.
It is good practice for your supervisor to observe ‘live’ and feedback on your work – either by ‘sitting in’ on sessions or reviewing recordings. This must take place regularly, and at least twice per year.
To apply for First Accreditation Audit or Reinstatement, or to complete your Reaccreditation Audit, your Supervision Logs and Supervisor’s Reports must show how ‘live’ supervision has been used. This may be on complete sessions or extracts. Ratings using a validated measure such as the CTSr may optionally be used for feedback and reflection by you and your supervisor.
In peer supervision, therapists will both supervise and be supervised by each other, and will take turns in each role. It can be one-to-one or in a group.
Guidance on our website has previously said that all time in peer supervision can be counted towards supervision hours for accreditation. However, from 1st October 2020, you can count only the time spent receiving supervision. This will be both in one-to-one and peer supervision groups.
If you are accredited, you can practice exclusively, specialise in, or include other evidence-based cognitive and/or behavioural therapies. Your supervision should reflect this and can be in exclusively in a particular cognitive-behavioural approach if this is appropriate to your practice.
Similarly, your supervision should be appropriate to any specialist client groups.
We recommended that you complete a Supervision Log entry during or shortly after each session. Supervision Logs are available to download for First Accreditation Audit and Reinstatement.
Supervisor's Reports are needed for First Accreditation Audit and Reinstatement Applications and also if you are invited for Reaccreditation Audit. They should be supplied by your current supervisor. If you have been with your current supervisor for less than six months, you should also include one by your previous supervisor.