BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > CBT Practice, Supervision & CPD > Supervision Guidance > Supervisors' Credentials

Supervisors' Credentials 

On BABCP Accredited CBT training courses - all your supervision will be provided by CBT therapists accredited with us as this is a requirement for course accreditation. 

On non-accredited courses and after training – to meet Accreditation and Reaccreditation criteria, your supervisor should be a BABCP accredited therapist. They may still supervise you during a break in their clinical practice if it is less than two years. They should use the relevant process to advise us of this break in practice if appropriate.  In exceptional circumstances, you can be supervised by a therapist who meets all the criteria below.

Criteria for non-accredited supervisors

Non-accredited supervisors will be asked to write a paragraph outlining their CBT credentials on your Supervisor's Report.  Accreditors may contact the supervisor if they require any further information regarding any of these areas -


  • supervisors must be qualified in CBT to at least postgraduate level or have an international qualification and accreditation in CBT, such as EABCT (European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies) accreditation
  • accreditors will expect that supervisors have CBT training and experience which would meet the taught CBT element of our Minimum Training Standards. This means they will have had at least 200 hours post-graduate CBT teaching, with 100 hours from a single, post-graduate course taught by tutors with BABCP Accreditation or trained themselves at post-graduate level in CBT

CBT Practice

  • supervisors should currently be practicing CBT
  • supervisors must be providing Cognitive and/or Behavioural therapies as their main (or one of their main) therapeutic models in clinical practicesupervisors will have adequate experience of working with the client group, presentations and cognitive/behavioural approaches of the cases brought to supervision

CBT Supervision

  • supervisors must be receiving specifically CBT supervision and ongoing CBT CPD

BABCP Standards

If your supervisor does not meet our criteria, your practice whilst under their supervision cannot be included for the purposes of accreditation or reaccreditation. 

BABCP Supervisor Accreditation – is a voluntary and additional accreditation for experienced accredited members. It allows them to demonstrate their supervisory expertise and that they meet our standards for supervisory training and supervision. It is not a requirement for your supervisor to hold this. 

You can find the full list of accredited supervisors on the CBT Register. Select “CBT Supervisors” from the dropdown menu and leave the name or membership number field blank. 

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