BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Accreditation > CBT Practice, Supervision & CPD > Supervision Guidance > Training and Supervisory Supervision for Accredited Trainers and Supervisors

Training and Supervisory Supervision for Accredited Trainers and Supervisors

Supervisory supervision

If you are an accredited supervisor or applying for Supervisor Accreditation, you should be receiving appropriate levels of supervision for your supervisory practice.  This will be equivalent to 5% of your supervisory caseload, or one hour per month. Your supervisory supervisor should provide a Supervisory Reference with an application and if invited for Reaccreditation Audit.

Training supervision

If you have Accreditation as a trainer or are applying for it, you should be receiving appropriate levels of support or supervision for your training.  This will be equivalent to a minimum of two hours per year. Your training supervisor should write a Trainer Reference Form with an application and if invited for Reaccreditation Audit.

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