Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
Firstly, ask yourself if you want to get accredited at the end of your CBT training. if you do, this will affect some of the criteria you will need to look for in a course.
If your aim is to become accredited, you will need to check that the training you take will ultimately allow you to meet the our Minimum Training Standards (MTS). This training will usually be a Post-Graduate diploma. However, there can be great variation between diploma courses and this section of the website aims to help you choose courses that are more likely to lead to accreditation. It will still be very important for you to compare the course curriculum with our Standards to be sure you will be able to meet them after graduating.
If you aren't intending to get accredited with us, and you simply want to gain some CBT skills and knowledge, then you may not need to be so selective in your choice or length of training, and your own previous experience will be less important. However this section will still provide recommendations on how to check the quality of a course.
Why get accredited?