Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
Studying on one of our accredited courses is the most straightforward route to becoming an accredited practitioner.
These have been assessed in terms of the quality of teaching and the content of their curriculum. Courses have to maintain standards and reaccredit every five years.
Each university sets its own entry criteria and you should contact the course directly about these.
You can choose between -
Level 1 accredited courses meet some or most of the Minimum Training Standards (MTS). These are our requirements for accreditation. Each Level 1 course can provide full details of which requirements it meets, so that you can top up any missing components outside of the course.
Level 2 accredited courses - graduates of these courses will have met all the MTS within the course curriculum, so you will be eligible for accreditation once you have graduated.
BABCP Level 2 Accredited Courses
Courses with this label are post-graduate diplomas which follow our Core Curriculum 2021.
Some courses have funded or commissioned places, and some allow students to pay for their own training.
NHSTTad - formerly known as IAPT High Intensity courses
Increasing Access to Psychological Training (IAPT) was a government initiative to train mental health practitioners. This service is now known as NHS Talking Therapies (NHSTT).
High Intensity Training is the label given to NHSTTad CBT courses. The “ad” in the title refers to the treatment of anxiety and depression. They are BABCP Level 2 accredited and run in English universities. They follow the National Curriculum for High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy courses.
All the places on these courses are funded trainee positions within the NHS. They are advertised on There is often a short window in which to apply so check with the individual universities when the posts will be advertised.