Event Details

Groupwork Skills Summer School

Presented by Dr Nicola Walker

About the event

This two day in-person Groupwork Skills Summer School has been organised by the Group CBT Special interest Group. For more details on the Group-CBT SIG please see here.

 - Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London SE14 6NW. Venue Information

Times: Registration from 9.00am    Saturday 9.30am - 4.00pm and Sunday 9.30am - 4.00pm 

efreshments are included and lunch can be purchased nearby.

A certificate of attendance will be issued for 12 hours CPD.

Registration closes - Midday on Weds 26th June. Places are limited though, so book early to avoid disappointment!

The Groupwork Skills Summer School has been specifically designed for both new and experienced group facilitators who would like to enhance their skills. The dynamic and informative training programme will provide valuable insights on how to create an inclusive and supportive group environment through active participation and experiential learning activities.

During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to practice essential skills and gain hands-on experience in developing and enhancing your group work skills. The programme briefly covers a wide range of topics, including group selection and composition, member preparation, and implementing ground rules. You will learn how to handle micro-aggressions that may arise during group interactions, structure group activities, and manage the timing and pacing of sessions. The training will also provide you with insights into different leadership styles and how to tailor psycho-educational content to meet the unique needs of specific clients and populations.

The Groupwork Skills Summer School is the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your professional development in this area. The course is designed to provide you with practical tools that you can apply directly to your work. As an experiential training, it works best if everyone participates fully. You will be asked to elicit and respond non-defensively to group members' feedback to enhance self-awareness and clinical practice in groupwork.

This event is suitable for anyone running CBT-informed groups for young people and adults such as PWPs, HITs, Mental Health Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Psychology Assistants, Psychiatrists, Prison and Probation Staff, University Student Support staff etc.

At the end of the workshop, attendees should be able to:

1. Be aware of anyone feeling left out or marginalised and take action to promote inclusion and group cohesion.

2. Structure group activities to ensure all group members can participate through pair work and small groups for example.

3. Manage the timing and pacing of sessions.Use different group leadership styles flexibly, responsively, and reflexively.

4. Manage the dynamics of co-facilitation and work cooperatively with others.

5. Brief and debrief using a competency checklist.

6. Provide and receive peer feedback to enhance self-awareness and clinical practice in groupwork.

7. Adapt psycho-educational content in a relatable and relevant way to meet the needs of specific clients and populations.

8. Use a flip chart or whiteboard to personalise the discussion in response to individual group members' questions and comments.

9. Communicate verbally and non-verbally, and present information clearly and succinctly.

10. Address problematic behaviours evoked in a group context without humiliating, marginalising, or scapegoating anyone.

About the presenter(s)

Nicola Walker is a Lecturer in CBT at Goldsmiths, University of London. She was previously a teacher on the University of Sheffield’s CBT for eating disorders programme and taught CBT for IAPT trainee high-intensity therapists at Teesside University. Nicola's core profession is a mental health nurse, and she is a qualified Group Analyst. Nicola has run groups and set up group programmes for many years in outpatient, day patient, inpatient, and community settings for people with complex needs, eating disorders and personality disorders. She is particularly interested in how to optimise peer effects in groups.


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Face-to-Face Event
29 Jun 2024 - 30 Jun 2024
SIG: Group CBT
140.00 GBP (ex. VAT) - BABCP Member
180.00 GBP (ex. VAT) - Non Member
This event is closed.

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