BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Membership > Special Interest Groups > Long Term Conditions Special Interest Group

Long-Term Conditions Special Interest Group

This Special Interest Group is for members with an interest in long-term health conditions and physical health symptoms symptoms.

All members with an interest in this area are invited to join us (you will need to log in to your account).

The aims of this Special Interest Group are as follows: To

  • promote evidence-based collaborative self-management of long-term conditions
  • promote the provision and access to appropriate supervision for CBT practitioners working in this area
  • promote and enhance working with mental health presentations where a long-term condition is also present
  • include both low-intensity and high-intensity CBT work in primary care liaison psychiatry, behavioural medicine
  • promote CBT work with people who have LTHCs in secondary and tertiary care settings
  • encompass CBT with recognised diagnoses; functional or unexplained presentations.
  • organise training sessions, workshops discussion groups and provide a networking forum for CBT practitioners working in this area


Chair  Philip Kinsella
Secretary Victoria Carek
Treasurer Alison Lynskey
Ordinary Members Helen Macdonald, Sarah Haskett, Alison Edwards, Keith Jamieson 


SIG membership is open to all BABCP members. You can join here (login required).


You can contact the SIG by emailing

0330 320 0851
Registered office
Imperial House, Hornby Street, Bury, Greater Manchester  BL9 5BN
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0330 320 0851
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