BABCP | British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies > Membership > Research requests > Ahmed Khan

Call for participants

The intersubjective understandings and experiences during CBT from the perspectives of British Muslims of South-Asian heritage and of accredited therapists of white-British heritage that work with this client group

Ahmed Khan

This research investigates CBT with Muslim clients of South Asian Heritage based in the UK. We are exploring the understandings within the therapy process between this group of clients and BABCP-accredited white-British therapists who have worked with this client group.

We have already undertaken interviews with the client group about their CBT understandings and experiences but now need to recruit accredited therapists for their CBT practitioner perspectives. There is currently very little data about these subjective interactions in the academic literature and this research intends to address that deficit.

We believe that your involvement will help CBT practitioners, as well as a wider clinical audience, to better comprehend any unique insights and challenges presented by this particular client group in the UK. Our hope is that any findings can then be used to inform the CBT therapy process for all concerned.

The study involves a brief questionnaire, your consent to participate, and a semi-structured interview typically lasting no more than one hour.

The research has full ethical approval from the University of Huddersfield (SREIC/2020/066) and all data is confidential and completely anonymised.

If you are interested in helping with this research, please read more about the project via the study information sheet. You can find this by following the secure link below where you can also provide consent to participate.

The consent process and related data is managed on a secure server run by Qualtrics on behalf of the University.

If you wish to know any more about this research then please feel free to get in touch with the principal researcher: and/or 01924 910767.

Study end date: 1 July 2025

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