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Amy Wild
Are you a psychological therapist looking to take part in research? We are looking to recruit qualified accredited/accreditable psychological therapists currently providing NICE approved therapies. This study is part of a Clinical Psychology Doctorate research project looking at psychological therapists’ perspectives and experiences of adapting lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, and exercise as part of therapy. Lifestyle psychiatry is a concept which looks at how lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet and sleep can be adjusted to prevent and treat a range of mental health problems as well as improving physical health. Evidence suggests that people with mental health problems have reduced life expectancy, with physical health problems accounting for most reduced life expectancy. Recommendations have been made for evidence-based lifestyle interventions to be incorporated into standard mental health care provision, but how to do this most effectively remains unclear. Psychological therapists could be well placed to help service users improve lifestyle factors to benefit both physical and mental health due to their expertise in behaviour change. This is currently an under researched area and therefore it is important to establish psychological therapists’ current practice and opinions. The research project will involve taking part in a 45-60 minute semi-structured interview with a researcher and can take place face-to-face, over the phone, or via video call. Interview data will be anonymised.
You will be offered compensation for your time if you take part. If you are interested or would like more information please contact lead researcher Amy Wild at or follow the link: Thank you for your time and interest.
Study end date: 31 January 2025