Are you a member yet? Membership is open to all and is the first step towards accreditation.
Raising a concern
We expect all our members to have high standards of professional behaviour and they agree to keep to our Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics. We take concerns and complaints seriously and will investigate if there is doubt that a member has kept to these standards. We want to make sure that we protect the public and support our members in providing safe and high quality services.
Anyone can raise a concern about a BABCP member. If you aren’t sure about what to do about a concern and would like to discuss it with us, we can arrange to speak with you about it.
We have a complaints process we will follow if a concern or complaint is raised. This is also available as a Plain English guide to making a complaint. These give details about the process and likely timescales.
Download our Complaints Process
Download our Complaints Process (Plain English guide)
Download our Complaints Process (Plain English guide - Large Text)
Raise a concern using one of the ways below
Please go to our Organisational Complaints Policy
You can see the answers to some of the questions we are asked about our complaints process here.
Decisions by our Complaints Panels which are to made public will be listed here.
September 2024