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ACT Therapist Guide to Self-Care e-book
Free ACT-Based Self Care Guide For Therapists
The Center For Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
Based at Stanford University this department researches compassion and altruism and has some resources for therapists
The Compassionate Mind Foundation
This UK-based organisation has information and events related to compassion focussed therapy, several of which can be helpful for therapists
In2gr8 Mental Health
An online forum for mental health professionals with lived experience of mental health difficulties:
Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project
This website has some resources on compassion fatigue
The Honest Open Proud Mental Health Professionals (HOP-MH) self-help programme
Run by University College London, they are currently open to participants in joining who wish to explore their sharing options about their lived (past or current) experience of mental ill health.
It can also be helpful to remember that the same mechanisms for support can be accessed by therapists as by the people we are working with, including A&E, Samaritans (116123) and NHS health services through your GP. Finding a therapist privately is also an option and CBT Register provides BABCP accredited therapists in your area. Other helplines include SANE (4:30pm to 10:30pm daily offering specialist emotional support and information on 0300 304 7000) and Re-think Mental Illness (0300 5000 927 open from 9.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday).