Application Progress and Outcomes

Application Progress and Outcomes

Processing time

Our current application processing times (as at 20 December 2024) for Wellbeing Practitioners are as follows:

PWP - Average processing time is currently 16 weeks

CWP and EMHP - Average processing time is currently 26 weeks

Please be assured we are taking measures to reduce this processing time as soon as possible. If we have not received all the necessary information and payment, this may cause further delays. Please be assured we will get in touch should we require any further information to complete your application.

Please avoid requesting updates regarding your application before this time frame. We advise applicants share their submission acknowledgement to evidence their application is in process if this is requested by an employer.

When we receive your application

Once an application has been submitted our dedicated admin team will make initial checks on the application to ensure all fields are complete. These checks also include that appropriate evidence of the qualification has been uploaded, a supervisor report has been received for the applicant and payment has been made. If any problems are identified, the admin team will then liaise with the applicant and/or supervisor to resolve these.  


Here are some of the common problems we encounter:

  • Application submitted but payment not made.
  • Incorrect or poor-quality image of certificate/ evidence of qualification. (Evidence must clearly show name, award title, exam board ratification date and University stamp/seal) 
  • Supervisor report/s not yet submitted or submitted outside of the required 1 month of application submission date. 
  • Incomplete fields within the supervisor report. 
  • Requiring verification of name change if name on application differs from that shown on qualification.

Addressing any of the above or other problems with an application can delay the processing time and completion of registration.

During processing

Once an application has been reviewed by the admin team and any problems have been resolved this is then passed to a Wellbeing Liaison officer (WLO) or Accreditation Liaison officer (ALO).

The WLO/ALO will then review the application, the qualification and the supervisors report to ensure the criteria for registration are met. If there are any concerns or queries regards the content of an application at this stage the WLO/ALO will then take any necessary steps to resolve these and liaise with the applicant and other relevant parties as needed.

Successful Applications

If the criteria are met, then the registration process is then completed and the applicant will be placed on the Wellbeing Practitioner section of the CBT register UK and Ireland. Applicants receive a confirmation of registration email immediately after they are placed on the register and their formal digital welcome letter up to 2 weeks after. 

Unsuccessful Applications

Your application will be unsuccessful if you don't meet the criteria, or if you don't give a satisfactory response to a request for further information within the timeframe outlined in correspondence. We will withdraw your application from the registration process and give you feedback to help with any future application submissions. 

Please be aware the registration fee is non refundable, as per our Wellbeing Practitioner Registration & Membership Policy.


If you do not agree with our decision, you may appeal. To do so, please follow our Appeals Process.
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