Wellbeing Practitioner Registration Audit

Wellbeing Practitioner Registration Audit

Each month we will audit a percentage of registered Wellbeing Practitioners who have made Declarations. It is statistically likely that you will be audited every five years, however the selections will be made randomly so it is not possible to know when or how often you will be audited.

In some circumstances we will select members for Audit.

The Audit Process

If you are selected, we will send you an email to notify you of this. You will also be provided with a SharePoint link and instructions on how to submit your audit documents. You will then have 6 weeks to submit the required documents. If you don't submit them or contact us about any problems, your registration will lapse.

If we find evidence of inaccurate declarations or false statements, a complaint may be raised against you which could result in the removal of your Registration and  membership.

You must be in practice in the UK, its territories or Ireland at the time of completing the Audit. You can still be audited if you have taken time off in the twelve months prior to the Audit - just note this on the Audit Information Form. We don't expect you to have done CPD and supervision in that time. 

Please consult the Ongoing Registration information for further information on requirements for ongoing registration.

Wellbeing Audit Information Form

Please complete with your up to date details.

Please ensure all documents are correctly labelled as detailed in section 6 of the Audit Information Form.

Please name this document "Info".

Download - Wellbeing Audit Information Form [Word]

CPD activities and Evidence

  • You must attach evidence of each of your CPD activities. Information on the types of activities and evidence we accept is listed here
  • These should be named "CPD EV 1", "CPD EV 2" and so on. The numbers should correspond with the Reflective Statement numbers and be cross-referenced on your CPD Summary within the audit information sheet.

CPD Reflective Statements

  • Please complete a Reflective Statement for each CPD activity. We recommend you complete them shortly after the activity. 
  • Please name these documents "CPD RS 1-5" respectively.

Download - CPD Reflective Statement Template [Word]


Some of the documents you will submit with your Audit require signatures from you or other people. We are in the process of updating our documents to incorporate electronic signatures. In the meantime, here is some guidance on how to validate a document or provide proof of identity if signatures aren't possible - Signature Guidance

Supervisor's report

  • Please ask your current Clinical Skills Supervisor to complete and submit this report up to 6 weeks before your audit submission deadline.
  • If your current Clinical Skills Supervisor has been supervising you for less than six months, you must additionally provide a Supervisor's Report from your previous Clinical Skills Supervisor or your current Case Management Supervisor.

Download and Submission Instructions

  • Please ensure you complete the correct Audit Supervisor’s Report template matching your supervisee’s registration type.
  • Supervisors must email the completed report directly to us at wellbeing.reports@babcp.com
  • Please save the report using supervisee’s full name, followed by “Supervisor’s Report for Audit”. E.g. “Nia Brown Supervisor’s Report for Audit”. Please also type this in the subject field of the email.

Download - CWP Audit Supervisors Report [Word]

Download - EMHP Audit Supervisors Report [Word]

Download - PWP Audit Supervisors Report [Word]

Return to Practice Audit

If you registered via the Return to Practice Policy, you will be subjected to audit six months after you join the Wellbeing Practitioner section of the CBT Register UK & Ireland. You will be required to submit evidence and reflective statements for three pieces of CPD with a minimum of two hours CBT informed skills workshops. Please use the audit documents and submission instructions above.

For further information, please refer to the Return to Practice Policy for Wellbeing Practitioners.

Feedback on your Audit

  • The Auditors will contact you or other people who have submitted or signed documents for your Audit if they need any further information. We will let you know by email if your Audit has been successful. 
  • If you haven't met all the requirements, the Auditors may impose a condition on your re-registration- you will be asked to submit additional documents such as a further supervisors report or additional CPD Summary after a specified period of time. Or you may be audited again the following year.
  • You must comply with any conditions set. If your Audit submission does not meet our standards, your registration may lapse. If you do not agree with our decision, you may appeal within 28 days of the date we sent you the outcome of the audit. If you wish to appeal, please email wellbeing@babcp.com. In the first instance, the decision will be reviewed by the Chief Accreditation Officer who is the Registrar, and may be referred to the Practitioner Accreditation Committee.
  • We won't expect you to have met the full requirements if you have had an extended period out of practice in the past year - Time off and Re-registration
  • You must complete a Leave of Absence form [Word] if you are out of practice for more than one year but less than two years. If you are out of practice when you are called for Audit, you will be invited for audit the following year.
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