Wellbeing Practitioner Careers

Wellbeing Practitioner Careers

Wellbeing Practitioners are an emerging professional group who are applying cognitive and behavioural informed evidence-based interventions and principles in exciting and innovative ways and in a growing number of specialist areas.

Wellbeing Practitioners are trained to assess and provide support and interventions to people experiencing mental health problems.

The specific roles for Wellbeing Practitioners are-Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP), Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner (CWP), Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) and Mental Health Wellbeing Practitioner (MHWP)

Although part of a wider community of wellbeing practitioners, each of these roles are distinct and the entry requirements, training and qualifications for these roles are different.

As such, these qualifications and roles are not interchangeable. For example, you cannot train and qualify as a PWP and then work as a CWP. It is therefore important that you review and consider each of these roles and their individual requirements when planning a career as a wellbeing practitioner.

Becoming a Wellbeing Practitioner

The pages in this section are intended to provide an overview of wellbeing practitioner roles and training. For additional information on individual entry and training requirements please refer to NHS Health Careers

Please see below for further information on each Wellbeing Practitioner role -

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Children's Wellbeing Practitioner

Education Mental Health Practitioner

Mental Health Wellbeing Practitioner

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